These are the absolutely most gorgeous flowers my hubby gave to me for our 25th wedding anniversary. Aren't they just beautiful!! We went out for tea as well & it was a lovely time shared with our boys & their girls.
These are a sweet liitle bunch from another friend of mine. I love gerberas!! They are just soooooooooo colourful!! So I'm feeling very loved & quite spoilt at the moment but my house looks fantastic!!! Beautiful flowers everywhere!! Thank you everyone, you are too kind.
This is the anniversary card that I made from my heart to Joe. It turned out really well. So to my sweetheart, I just want to say...............
Here we are .... 25 years on!! Some would say that you get less for life.......but MY LIFE is what I want to spend with you. You keep me safe, you make me feel loved, accept me for me and love me unconditionally!! I hope that I have given you as much as you have given me. I look forward to spending another 25 years safe in each others hearts. I LOVE YOU BABE!!! Always xxxxxx
So there you go, oh by the way, it was also Joe's birthday yesterday too. hee hee hee...... how clever of me to get married on his birthday!!!
Well that's all for now & thanks again to friends for the flowers. They are brightening my days.
luv me xxooxx
Congratulations to both you and Joe, well done. the flowers and card are beautiful. Good idea getting married on an event, Bren and I always seem to forget ours (even our 20th which was on the 8th)Joe will never have an excuse.
Congrats Sandie....and Joe of course. I hope that Andy and I can get as far as you!! Just between you and me, if we last longer than my parents I'll be happy! Only 5 more years to go!!! Xx
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