Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hee Hee Hee!!!

Well hello my little pretty lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee hee hee

This week at school has been "BOOK WEEK".

Today we all celebrated by dressing up as our favourite book character.

Yeah - alright you guessed it -

I'm the Wicked Witch!!

Most children & staff put the effort in to play dress-ups for the day & we had a parade & lots of fun.

I had a lot of enquiries about my black teeth.

How did I do that??????????????????

Well, I said that was a secret & if I told then I would have to kill them.

Sadly I didn't have many requests for frogs legs in the canteen today. Barrrrrrr humbug!!!

It was a great day & we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day to enjoy.

I had lots of fun too!!! hee hee hee

Isn't it nice to be able to play make believe & use our imagination for a bit.

Well I must take hold of my trusty stead, ahhhh sorry broom & away to do some circle work!!!!

Catch you all soon, my lovelies!!!!!

HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

luv me xxooxx

PS -

You shall have seen Tan's & Sue's faces just light on up when they saw me parading around. They had their cameras working overtime!!!! ha ha ha

Friday, August 22, 2008

Poor spoilt me!!

Nothing like a little retail therapy to brighten a girls day.

haven't I been a little spoilt by buying these most beautiful things. Can't resist a good bag or a nice piece of bling!!! If any of you girls wish to see these items in the flesh, I shall be at class (Scrap n Patch) in the morning. Come check it out!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to the girls for encouraging me to go "looking". It was sooooo much fun!!! Should arrange to do it more often. Can't wait to get to Melbourne on our scrappin' trip. The girls may be too embarrassed by me & i might end up alone!!????!! NAH!!!!

Have a great night & I'm looking forward to scrappin' in the morn.Yeah!!
luv me xxooxx

Monday, August 18, 2008


Well I must say a big THANX to Don for tagging
Now I have to tag six bloggers but I won't as everyone I would have tagged is now done, so you know who you are guys!!
Six UN-SPECTACULAR things about me....................hhmmmmmmmmmm,
where do I start??
Ok here goes-
#1 - socks HAVE to be neatly folded in half (or thirds for long ones like footy socks) & have NO toes hanging out!!!!!!!! My boys have been taught from a very young age to do this too, although they do tease me about it!! ha ha kinky ha!!??!!
#2 - I like to read before I go to sleep at night. It doesn't matter how late or how tipsy or whatever it is, I have to read, even if it's just two paragraphs!!
#3 - I love my computer! I have two litle sayings pinned up by my computer. They say - I love my cpomputer because my friends live in it!! & Lord, bless my online friends, Amen.
#4 - I'm crazy about boxes. Don't really know why but if it's pretty or even just a good strong box, I'll keep it as I may use it for something.
#5 - I'm a night owl. Love to stay up late. I think it's because I get to have that quite 'me' time.
#6 - I LOVE to drive. Just ask Joe, hee hee. I drive everywhere & Joe just automatically goes to the passenger side, no matter what or where. Funny hey.

So I hope all you girls get a laugh out of these things about me.
Have a good one.

luv me

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fab Art Work

Well here I am again showing off some of the things that I have been arting!!

The first is a wonderful piece of artwork that our fab Christina showed us on Saturday morning.

It's different & I like it! So many different techiques used and so many other uses for them.

The next is a little project I have worked on. It is a little book with friendship quotes. I quite like the way it has turned out. I hope that you all enjoy checking it out.

And I 'spose I don't have to tell anyone here that it is ssssooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold!!!!!!

I have tried to stay inside today & stay warm!!! Last night we went out for tea & stayed on down at the pub & had such a funfilled night. We booged the night away with some friends & family. Only got home about 1.30am!! It was good though.

So I hope everyone is staying warm & staying safe.

luv me xxooxx

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Don't you love the sound of laughter!!

Well I just had one of those great moments that you never forget last night.
My youngest boy, Spud, had some mates around last night & I wasn't paying them much attention as I was just chilling. I had worked all day in the footy canteen & was a little buggered. Anyway - they were mucking around & then sitting at the kitchen table having some tea. Then - there it was - the wonderful sound of kids laughter!!!!
It's fantastic - they were chatting & enjoying each others company & just roaring with laughter. It is music to my ears. It rocked the walls of my house & I just smiled to myself & listened.
Sweet, sweet music.
Thanks guys for a fab night & a great memory!!
luv me xxooxx