Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happenings ...

Where does the time go ??????
I'm not sure but it surely goes somewhere at a fast pace!!!
Here are a couple of birthday cards that should have been posted last month!!!
 These sre my little gifts for the staff at school where I work. I am yet to add the choccies [the best bit - hee hee] and I shall be handing them out next week. I hope they like them.
 I made a little 'envelope' and decorated it with stars, tag & tinsel.
 I popped in this cute little saying I found by Oscar Wilde.
 And lastly .... if it's alright for one's master ...... then it's alright for ME !!!!!
 Chloe loves to be 'just like her dad!!' hee hee
Well I better keep moving along. Cheers for now.
luv me xxooxx

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