Well hello my little pretty lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee hee hee
This week at school has been "BOOK WEEK".
Today we all celebrated by dressing up as our favourite book character.
Yeah - alright you guessed it -
I'm the Wicked Witch!!
Most children & staff put the effort in to play dress-ups for the day & we had a parade & lots of fun.
I had a lot of enquiries about my black teeth.
How did I do that??????????????????
Well, I said that was a secret & if I told then I would have to kill them.
Sadly I didn't have many requests for frogs legs in the canteen today. Barrrrrrr humbug!!!
It was a great day & we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day to enjoy.
I had lots of fun too!!! hee hee hee
Isn't it nice to be able to play make believe & use our imagination for a bit.
Well I must take hold of my trusty stead, ahhhh sorry broom & away to do some circle work!!!!
Catch you all soon, my lovelies!!!!!
HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
luv me xxooxx
PS -
You shall have seen Tan's & Sue's faces just light on up when they saw me parading around. They had their cameras working overtime!!!! ha ha ha